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15 Jan

Marketing Plan For Web-Based ERP Software


Sample Marketing Plan For Web-Based ERP Software

By STANDING Tech Research Team / 2015

For Education Purposes Only

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction.

1.1 Goals and Objectives.

1.1.1 Company Goals and Objectives.

1.1.2 Marketing Goals and Objectives.

2.0 Situation Analysis.

2.1 Market Description.

2.1.1 Segment 1: Open Source ERP for developers.

2.1.2 Segment 2: Simple ERP for small companies.

2.1.3 Segment 3: Full future ERP for medium companies.

2.2 Competitive review..

2.3 Distribution.

3.0 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat Analysis.

3.1 Strengths.

3.2 Weaknesses.

3.3 Opportunities.

3.4 Threats.

4.0 Objectives and Issues.

4.1 First-year objectives.

4.2 Second-year objectives.

4.3 Issues.

5.0 Product Strategy.

5.1 Positioning.

5.2 Product strategy.

5.3 Pricing strategy.

6.0 Marketing Strategy.

6.1 Marketing Communications.

6.1.1 Communication Objectives.

6.1.2 Communication channels.

6.2 Advertising.

6.3 Promotions.

7.0 Distribution Strategies.

7.1 Distribution Objectives.

7.2 Channel Design.

7.3 Direct Distribution.

7.3.1 Website.

7.3.2 Formal Channels.

7.4 Indirect Distribution.

7.4.1 Retailers.

7.4.2 Other individuals (Agents).

7.5 Other direct distribution.

List of Tables

Table (1) Business Factors with their affects and probabilities. 11

Table (2) Positioning.

Table (3) General Prices for the product

1.0 Introduction

Standing Tech. Company is software Development Company known with its highly customizable Web-based applications in major fields of business. Web-based ERP software is first product in that designed for (right to left) language specially and supporting UTF-8 data natively.

Web-Based ERP Software is modern, simplified, fully customizable Enterprise Resource Planning software that can be implemented in small and medium organizations. Web-based ERP is cost effective model of ERP that not require any client software to work, this capability enables Web-based ERP to run on all browsers in all operations systems.

This product gives a competitive advantage over other providers that not providing customizable web applications and not providing help and support services in customers’ language, this opportunity will increase revenues via some lines that will increase the profit and STANDING TECH. population.

1.1 Goals and Objectives

1.1.1 Company Goals and Objectives

Standing Tech. Company opening new investment projects by providing (Left to right) software with specialized GUI interface in parallel to its international software products. For this reason, Web-based ERP can be positioned as the first software in the market that even personal inexperienced users can use it.

- Opening new investment projects to increase revenues by 30%.

- Increasing sales for Hosting and Domain that came with Web-Based applications.

- Maximizing its population in the market via some free online applications so that increasing in commercial licenses expected by 10%.

1.1.2 Marketing Goals and Objectives

· Offering Different Versions of Web-Based ERP: providing custom versions of ERP according to customers’ requirements so that the strategy will focus on dynamic price to cover more customers.

· Offering Wed design: because Web-based ERP increasing customers, new opportunities will be available for Web design and hosting services.

· Offering IT Technical services: Offering IT consultancy for those companies that require outsource IT support.

· Offering Free Support and training: Offering free support for Web-based ERP will attract customers to select this product, because most international software company doesn’t have office in this region, so that by considering this GAP in current market, this product can be selected as the first (free support in customer’s language) in the market.

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