In PHP, you may get this warning (Warning: ldap_search(): Partial search results returned: Sizelimit exceeded in) when more than 1000 objects returned in single search, you can change using following guide:
- Open Command Prompt on a domain controller (You must use admin credentials)
- Type NTDSUTIL and press ENTER.
- In the ntdsutil: prompt, type ldap policies
- In the ldap policy: prompt, type connections
- In the server connections: prompt, type connect to server <FQDN of domain controller> (example: connect to server
- Once you are connected, type q to come back to the ldap policy: prompt.
- To change the value to allow up to 5,000 objects to be returned in a single LDAP query, type set MaxPageSize to 5000
- To commit changes type commit changes
- If you type show values, you can see the current value for the administration limits, including the MaxPageSize limit